Embracing the Elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water…

Connecting with the Elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water
One of the greatest supports on your spiritual journey is your connection with nature, this is why it is essential for you to embrace the elements as you honour the seasons of change. Within this article, I am going to speak with you about the elements of Air, Earth, Fire and Water. I've written a short poem which encapsulates my perspective, I hope you like it...
"Everything is Born from the Element of Earth as we plant the seed of life. She Ignites our Fire within to bring darkness to light. Stirs our Water of Emotions to Feel the Depths of Love. Transcends us to the Air of spirit to guide us from above.

Earth calls us to ground and connect as we nurture that which we neglect. To honour Mother Earth as she gives us love's embrace.

Fire is the time in which we burn to awaken our passion within. To drive us to our life's calling as we serve those of kin.

Water washes away our emotional tears as we connect with our feelings within. Sensing the wholeness of our sensitivity to embody all that life brings.

Air adapts to us to winds of change as we set our spirit free, to bring forth messages from our guides and the trees.

Now it's time to Embrace the Elements to live in Harmony..."
You can also connect with all the elements with my short podcast series available for free on Insight Timer. If you enjoy them, please be sure to leave me a review...

The Element of Air

The Element of Air symbolically represents new life, our power and connection with the mind and our ability to communicate with great spirit. Embrace the element of air to connect with your ancestors and communicate with your spirit guides...

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The Element of Earth

Embrace the Element of Earth to bring stability into your Life. Lean upon mother earth to provide you with unconditional love, nurture and support as you awaken from within. Take life at your own pace and allow the element of earth to ground you in each and every moment.

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The Element of Fire

The Element of Fire, Igniting your Passion and Purpose Within. Connecting you with your life force energy to propel you into action as you create the life of your dreams. Allow the fire to heal your wounds from within as you transform darkness to light...

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The Element of Water

The Element of Water connects you with your emotions and feelings as you adapt to the shifting and changing of your life. Allow water to cleanse you as you purify your mind, body and soul with this guided message from spirit...

Listen on InsightTimer
If you have found enjoyed this article and found it valuable, please be sure to share it with your friends. Take care and I wish you all the best on your spiritual journey as you awaken from within.

Soulful Mentoring and Healing Sessions

Within the Soulful Mentoring and Healing Sessions we delve deep into your Soul to Uncover who you truly are as you begin living in alignment with your Soul essence. We explore your conditioning and Ego as we discover what has shaped you into the person you are today, this will assist you with breaking free from old patterns that no longer serve you. We will shine a light on your Shadow and the wounds within so you can learn to love some of those unloved aspects of yourself once more.. - More Information

Andy Brine
Andy Brine
Andy Brine is a Mentor and Guide who helps people connect with their spiritual journey as they awaken to who they really are. He developed The Soul Pathway as an evolution from the work of Joseph Campbell in order to assist people in understanding themselves at a deeper level. Though our journey is not linear, this process provides a roadmap for connecting with it from the human experience. Andy has an "Awaken Your Soul Pathway" app available on Android and online. He also has numerous courses on Udemy: Archetypes for Life, Honouring and Healing Your Shadow, Awaken Your Inner Warrior: Balance Your Masculine and Feminine Within, and The Journey of Divine Love for Soulmates and Twin Flames. Andy offers online sessions for mentoring and healing, as well as spiritual workshops. More Info